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Considering switching?

Not happy with your strata company? It may be time to change. If your strata company isn’t delivering on your expectations, it may be easier than you think to make the change.

Strata United can help.

Changing strata managers might sound complex, but in the right hands, it can be a smooth and painless transition, and Strata United can help make the change as easy as possible for you.

When changing strata managers, things must be done in the correct order with all the boxes ticked to ensure compliance and to avoid expensive mistakes.


So, here’s how to go about changing strata managers:

  1. Firstly, before you consider letting your current strata manager go, you should make sure you have a new and better replacement waiting in the wings. Arrange for a shortlist of strata management companies to provide you with quotes and select the best candidate.
  2. Then, obtain a copy of the management agreement from your current manager to determine the expiration date and termination period required.
  3. Next, get hold of the Strata Roll (also from your manager) and contact each of the owners to advise an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) is being held.
  4. Provide a meeting Agenda to all owners containing the date, time and venue of the EGM (you must give at least 14 days notice), a motion to confirm the Minutes of the previous meeting and a motion to terminate the current management agreement and appoint the new strata manager.
  5. The EGM can be held at the strata complex for convenience, and there is no obligation to inform or invite the outgoing manager.
  6. At the meeting, the motion will need to be passed by the majority of owners, either in person or by proxy vote.
  7. Once the vote has been passed and the Minutes recorded, your new strata manager can take over the rest of the process including informing the previous manager of their termination and arranging the collection of records from their offices after the appropriate notice period has passed.

We can guide you...

through every step of the process, attend your EGM if required and even supply you with a generic Agenda and Minutes template if you need one. To find out more, why not book a free consultation by filling out the form on the Strata United website.